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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So much stuff!

So very busy. I feel like I am spinning out of control sometimes with everything on my plate. I had to call into work sick today just to get a chance to rest and finish my school stuff this week! Thank goodness the christmas madness is over in a few more days! I am just so tired, and miss being able to spend my whole day off with my son. Having only one day off a week sucks major. I just have to rememeber that it is almost over, and things will all go back to a fairly normal state. Although, we are moving the first of the year now, so things will still be crazy busy for a few days. Oh well... that's life I guess.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Oh my goodness. It is insanely busy at work right now! I, as I've said a million times, work in a jewelry retail store. We had a big event this weekend, and (of course) someone called in sick, so we were running one person short. I do think that even if that person would have been there, we still would have been in craziness. There were so many customers that I worked almost twice as many hours as I was scheduled over the weekend. I am excited that I am working in a new store (new to me), and that it is a busy store, but I feel like I'm falling behind in school and time with my son due to it. I know that part of this is that I am taking on the Assistant Manager position for the store after the holidays, but doing the work now, so that is keeping me super busy. Also, I have years of experience with this company, where most of the other people in my store have been there a year or less, so I am always correcting things that have been done incorrectly. I just feel like I need a breather. Note to self though: Take winter term off of school next year during this crazy season at work.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Based on the reading I have done over the last week regarding plagarism, I know that we need to cite our sources to give credit where it is due. I would not like someone taking credit for my hours logged researching information for a paper, and I do not think anyone else would like that either. Citing our sources is a waay of giving the proper credit and acknowledgement to the people that perform the tests and research that we use to gain knowledge of a subject. These people need to be acknowledged, because they deserve it.